"Good, your goal has been achieved." I shook my head. This guy’s previous shuttle has made our nerves tense to the extreme in an instant. I don’t know if he scared the rabbit, but he scared us anyway.

"Fan alert" King Kong cannon didn’t recognize my voice and waved twelve mercenaries to stay alert.
At the moment, I naturally won’t complain that the previous explosion must have awakened this fierce beast in Cary’s tomb. It’s also called firing two more shots.
After the completion of the sector alert, I took the lead in checking whether my aura can make one aura, and I found that the operation of aura was blocked because of the lack of Kun Qi, which is necessary for the display of aura. Our aura can be divided into two parts: Gankun Yin and Yang. When casting spells, the two aura must be combined into two parts to command the aura. This situation is similar to that the positive and negative poles can only be released after they touch each other. At present, the situation is like the lack of negative poles, which is probably caused by the fact that the ground of this card is covered with something that blocks Kun Yin Qi.
I don’t know what’s laid on the ground. I think it’s probably a lot of ferrous metals, because iron is known among many metals to block yin and yang.
"Is there any iron in Ye Aofeng’s card?" I want to turn around here and rush not far away. Ye Aofeng shouted that he was born with a golden destiny and was the most sensitive to this kind of metal.
"no!" Ye Aofeng’s answer deny my guess.
"Be careful, old cow, we can’t display aura." I shouted a warning at the King Kong cannon.
"I knew it long ago. What now?" King kong cannon for instructions
"Be careful and don’t walk into the fog area." I took the lead in walking towards the pile of bones not far away. This card has a sunny area with a diameter of less than 100 meters at the entrance of Shimen, and other parts are covered with thick fog. We don’t know the nature at present and dare not blindly enter.
Everyone carefully followed me forward without taking a few steps, and the unexpected situation happened. Suddenly, the Kaka sound was very urgent and crisp.
I clenched my fist and swung my arm to signal everyone to stop moving forward and turned to frown to find the sound source. There is a possibility that the organic machine was started, whether it was started by the tomb-guarding beast or triggered by our consciousness. I still don’t know what kind of machine it is.
Kaka soon changed, instead of being crisp and hurried, it became slow and dull, and it took a long time to get a serious creak. This situation suddenly reminded me of the old-fashioned clock with strings at home. At one time, the strings were relatively easy to twist, and the strings would be relaxed. When the strings were almost full, the resistance would be relatively increased, and the strings would be slowly twisted, and the strings would be dull. If the card machine was in a similar situation, it would have reached the state of full string firing now.
Because the card is very open, it is difficult to accurately judge the direction of sound emission, but even so, I still determined that the sound emission position is on the left stone wall, which is seven miles away from our current position. Even with the machine, I should not be able to attack our position, so I went straight to the pile of bones not far away
When I came to the side of the bones, I found at first sight that the exquisite lead box was about 30 centimeters long and only 10 centimeters wide. It was a standard rectangle. I bowed my head and picked it up carefully. I found that the four sides of the lead box were engraved with the names of the four founders, and the left and right sides were Tai Chi patterns of Yin and Yang. According to the size of the lead box, it should be an artifact. Besides, the weight of the lead box is not very heavy, far less than that of pure lead with the same volume, which means that it should not be big to put that thing in it.
"Older than you, look at these people. They were the nine cut-off brothers." King Kong cannon pointed to the ground and scattered those bones for me to watch.
I put the lead box in my backpack and looked down at the bones. The first thing that caught my attention was that there were many kinds of weapons and swords scattered around the bones. There were six other three weapons, namely, a nine-knot whip for dusting and a seven-foot halberd. The other weapons were quite complete, but this halberd was broken from the middle. According to the marks at the crack, it should have been cut off by some kind of thin-edged weapon.
After observing those weapons, I turned my eyes to the bones scattered around. The scattered position of the bones was very messy and far more than nine piles. I frowned and looked closely and finally found that the bones exceeded nine piles. It was because these nine people were cut off from the middle of their bodies and picked up a few cut bones. After studying again, I found that the fracture positions of the bones were not exactly the same. The longer leg bones were cut off from the waist and the shorter ones were in the heart.
This discovery immediately made my brow wrinkle. Although the nine purple gas masters were cut off in different parts, they were on the same plane, which means that they were killed at one time. Is the fierce beast guarding the tomb in the fourth card so bad?
"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" I shook my head and denied my thoughts. I had observed the breath of fierce beasts in this card before when I ate Penglai Jinzhi. That is to say, the human purple gas is similar. Don’t say that it’s nine purple gas masters. Even if two of them work together, it can’t hold it. Besides, the bones of these nine purple gas masters are scattered at a distance of more than ten meters. How can the tomb-guarding fierce beasts kill their parts at one time? Besides, this card is a barrier to aura, and the purple gas masters will certainly block the tomb-guarding fierce beasts without aura. It is even more impossible for the tomb fierce beast to kill so many purple gas masters at once. The only reasonable explanation is that the nine purple gas masters will be caught in the net. It is not the fierce beast that protects the tomb, but some machine in Cary.
At this time, the stone wall on the left side suddenly came with a new creaking, followed by a subtle "zither …"
Even though this Cariffa exerts aura, our monks’ hearing is far superior. Before the sound came, King Kong Bao and I took the lead in discovering and sending out two roar warnings.
The king kong cannon shouted, "Get down!"
I shouted "Lie down!"
Although those mercenaries do everything, they have been licking blood for years, which has made their reaction speed greatly high. At the same time when I shouted with the King Kong cannon, they made corresponding moves.
Almost at the same time, a naked eye almost noticed that the golden light flashed from our side, and the blood splashed red and white. The two mercenaries who followed the orders of the King Kong cannon were all cut off, except for the King Kong cannon, which was fine because he was short and squat, and the golden light was stuck to his scalp.
Those mercenaries who were lucky enough to save their lives wanted to get up and check the ambulance when they saw their companions in distress.
"Don’t get up!" I shouted warning at them again, and at the same time drew out the seven-star sword for waiting.
Although I don’t know what the golden light that was cut from our head before was, I can guess that it was some kind of tensile force that swept the wire quickly and horizontally. I have heard the click before, that is, the stone machine on the left side is running, and the purpose is naturally to tighten it. It gathers strength, and I lift my eyes with a sword to cut this wire. Because it is cut from the left side, it will inevitably return to the left side.
Sure enough, when I shouted just now, I suddenly felt that the seven-star sword in my hand stopped something, and the resistance suddenly changed from heavy to light metal wire and broke "whoosh!" One flew out from around us.
"Get out!" I got up and quickly shouted at the crowd that the mercenaries dragged the two companions who had been cut off half their heads and quickly returned to Shimen. Kong Bao and I waited until everyone retreated before returning.
Everyone outside the door had previously found out what we had experienced from outside the door, and came back to see if we were injured.
"Nothing!" The king kong cannon was a little depressed and pushed a face of eager pursuit of the wind. He had previously ordered a mistake and killed two mercenaries. He was very guilty about it.
Mu Zhuifeng Nai shook his head and took my seven-star sword for observation.

few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together

With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued to plunder other places and collect herbs.
“Red jade is a blessing!”
Fang Yun in the air, saw a few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together, gently swept, it is necessary to transplant this medicinal material into the “universal clock of heaven and earth”.
As soon as the news passed, Fang Yun was about to collect another piece of medicinal materials. All of a sudden, in front of me, this piece of “Red Jade and Fuze” disappeared.
Fang Yun dazed: “This …”
The front is empty, but there is a silver-haired man in front of him. His look is indifferent and his eyes are like starry sky. There are countless stars in it, which are born and died. Just a look, it seems that people’s souls will be sucked in. And his hand, is holding the Fang Yun just to collect “red jade Fuze”.
“Unexpectedly, someone like me, look at these strains of red jade. Little friend, come out. ”
Silver-haired man looking down at the front, a void. It was empty, but the man’s eyes seemed to have penetrated all the secrets and saw the tiny dust in the depths of space.
Fang Yun mind trembling, the silver-haired man didn’t how powerful momentum, but give the feeling of Fang Yun, but extremely dangerous. With his current strength, he can still feel threatened. This kind of person, for absolute reached, ghosts and gods unpredictable terrible realm.
A strong breath, cold as snow, locked in the space. Fujiki evil gentleman uses the magical power of “the best size” to change the dust. Fang Yun immediately know, he see is broken.
Void vibration, a grain of dust fiercely Yishan, suddenly stretched sharply, blink of an eye, revealing the appearance of evil Fujiki Jun, standing on the earth.

Chapter 664 The first person in Daomen
“Who are you?”
Rattan wood evil gentleman feet don’t touch the ground, gently floating, back several zhangs. After a distance, I looked at the silver-haired man in front of me This man makes him feel too dangerous, so it’s better to stay away.
“Xuan Xuan.” Silver-haired man indifferent blinked, calm way.
Fang Yun was shocked, and could hardly believe his ears. It’s him! Fang Yun didn’t expect to go to Junnian’s master here.
The first master of Taisu School, Yu Xuan. This name is well-known in the sectarian world. Fang Yun also found out that Yu Xuan was the master of Junnian. But this one never went down the mountain, so Fang Yun never saw him.
Fang Yun didn’t expect, would be in a place like this, see the first master YuXuan.
“Turns out to be danger elders, surprisingly, the elders, like me, are interested in these few strains of red grass. A gentleman doesn’t steal people’s love, since Elder Yu also takes a fancy to it. I naturally dare not worry about the elders. ”
Fang Yun didn’t discover the identity of “Red Jade and Fuze”, only that it was a red grass. He bowed his hand and flew upside down, then he wanted to leave: “Elder Yu, I have work to do next. Don’t bother, leave! “